Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Points On How To Repair Dry Cracked Heels

One of the disorders that people suffer from is dry cracked heels. Not only is the disorder painful and embarrassing but it also limits one when you want to wear that perfect shoes that will really accessorize your outfit. When not dealt with, it can lead to further complications because it provides room for infections to enter into your body. The following tips highlight how to repair dry cracked heels.

The first thing you have to do in the treatment is to soak your feet in lukewarm water for an average of fifteen minutes. You should not use hot water for it breaks down the fats and makes the tissues secret moisture. For the procedure to work perfectly ensure that the type of soap you use is suitable for dry skin.

After you have done this, you have to scrub the feet to eliminate the dead skin. It is advisable to scrub your feet using exfoliation cream or the pumice stone. Nevertheless the scrubbing should be gentle to avoid any pain or causing sensitivity to the feet.

Once you scrub the feet, you should apply moisturizing cream just before the moisture on the feet dries off. Note that you have to use the best quality cream for maximum performance. When going to bed, ensure that you wear clean white cotton socks to avoid the cream from coming of your feet.

With it being a skin care process, you are supposed to eat a balanced diet. Such a disorder might be as result of lack of minerals or nutrients like calcium, zinc, fatty acids, vitamins and iron. Due to this reason, you should feed on foods rich in these minerals and nutrients for a royal skin care.

You can also avoid this disorder by not spending a lot of time in damp areas for a long period. The reason behind this is that when you expose your feet more to the water, the more they become dry. Avoid walking barefooted because this encourages the cracking.

Lastly your feet should be kept away from any form of dirt and perform feet excises daily. With the implementation of the above tips, you will definitely be in a good position to know how to repair dry cracked heels. Even though you want to give your feet the best royal treatment you should not purchase any product before inspecting if it is genuine or not. By Jane Devereux


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