Sunday, June 24, 2012

How To Get Rid Of Acne - Get Your Smooth Skin Back

By Steven Willings - The very top layer of the skin is called the epidermis and protects two other layers. These two other layers are called the subcutaneous layer and the dermis. The skin needs oxygen, and it breathes through it pores.

When these pores are clogged with dirt and oil, bacteria can begin to grow and pus-filled whiteheads begin to form which is called acne. It can take anywhere from two to four weeks for a new layer of skin to develop and for dead skin cells to fall off. If you have scars on the epidermis only, they can disappear in as little as two weeks.

White sugar and milk are some of the worst things you can consume when you predisposed to acne. If your diet is high in sugar and fats, it can definitely contribute to an acne breakout. Just by cutting out these two things in your diet, you will see a dramatic improvement in your skins appearance.

Mayonnaise is another food item that should not be consumed when prone to having acne breakouts. If your body's immune system is weak, you have a lethargic type of lifestyle and a slow metabolic system, you will be more susceptible to cystic acne breakouts. Fundamentally, the healthier your diet the better your acne treatment will work for you.

For many people, the underlying cause of their acne is harmful microbes that grow on their skin. These kinds of microbes or bacteria result in the inflamed, puss-filled nodules, called pimples or whiteheads, along with zits and blackheads on the face. The best acne treatment functions by targeting the microorganisms directly rather than treating the symptoms.

Many creams, cleansers, and lotions just treat the symptoms of acne and not the root causes. When you use these over-the-counter drugs or prescription medications, you are only becoming dependent on expensive treatments for the symptoms alone. If you want no more acne, you have to look within. The different types of foods you eat play a major role in the best acne treatment.

There is an equilibrium that must be maintained to help prevent or get rid of acne. There are instances the harsh cleansing agents we employ, and the continuous assault from the rough natural elements such as the sun, the cold, and the wind, dehydrate our skin. This is because your body is not capable of keeping the outer layer moisturized, and having overly dry skin can actually also lead to acne. In addition, most people who want acne no more forget to consume enough water to maintain their body to be sufficiently hydrated. The skin in general is what contains your moisture in the body. As it stops working so does your effectiveness to hold onto fluids.

Pushing any dirt and grime back into your skin by touching your face with your hands may lead to a build-up of acne-causing germs. This is something that you need to avoid as much as you can as part of you acne treatment process.

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