Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making That Decision About Skin Moles To Remove Or Not To Remove?

By Jhon Martin - Admit it: a huge part of today's definition of beauty is having flawless and clear skin that is free from any imperfection. It's just sad that it's a trait that does not come as naturally as breathing. Whether by heredity, physiology, or simply being unlucky, we are saddled with skin moles. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything about it. We are currently given many options about how to get rid of moles that all that's left for us to do is to pick which one is best for us.

First things first, though: what are skin moles? Skin moles are those growths or spots of the pigmented type that can be seen in various areas of the body. There are many things that can be blamed for the existence of these moles. She might have inherited the trait from parents who also have lots of moles. Prolonged exposure to the sun might have also caused their skin to develop these moles. Some moles appear right when a person is born, but some are also acquired later in life. You cannot really foretell when a mole will appear.

Not all moles are the same; they vary in size and shape. They also vary with respect to their color. Some moles can take after the skin tone while others could have a range of colors, from brown to black. These melanocyte growths are generally harmless. There really is no need to remove them unless health precautions and aesthetics require it.

One's appearance plays a huge role in one's level of confidence and general outlook in life. Many have had self-esteem problems because they have a mole that is perched at a spot on their face that is quite well, awkward. In order to boost their confidence, they feel the need to remove those skin moles.

But the fear of the moles leading to cancer is what drives most people into undergoing mole removal procedures. When do we start getting wary that our skin moles might be cancerous? You can get started by observing them.

When doing a self-diagnosis of potential melanoma, you should watch out for certain items. A look at the asymmetry could tell you whether one side of the mole looks the same as the other half. If you notice irregularities on the moles' borders, have it checked out immediately. Normal moles are supposed to be uniformly or evenly colored so if you notice color variations, that is a cause for concern.

There's also the dimension or measurement of the moles, particularly the diameter. The diameter of the moles should not exceed 6mm. If they do, have it looked at it. Basically, if you see the moles evolving with respect to size, shape or color, even some bleeding, you should definitely pay more attention. Look to an experienced and qualified dermatologist for an official diagnosis.

You should remember not to go about panicking once these changes come to your attention. You won't be solving anything if you panic. Getting all worked up about it will only prevent you from making the right decisions regarding your skin moles.

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